2016년 1월 3일 일요일

Quiz: If you were a gem, what would you be?

Have you wondered which gem you would be if you were a gem, a jewel? Then you're in the right place because this quiz will measure your personality by your reactions to various situations in life to tell you which gem you might be!

1. Your on your school break, and rain is pouring outside. Plus, you're the only one in the house, and your friends are too busy to hang out with you. What's your next move?

A) Have an indoor workout routine. Do yoga, drink tons of water, run on the running machine or maybe just run around the house. While your friends are sitting down eating chips, you're going to be superb this school break!
B)Surf the Internet to find something interesting like the news, or really cool videos of experiments and pranks! Internet surfing is a really cool and average way to spend your time alone.
C)Read books and do your homework. Some mean teachers give you tons of homework to do throughout your vacation. You know you won't have enough time. Why not just finish them now?
D)Start planning things you're going to do with your family and friends this school break. You'll have twice as much fun if you plan things out!

2. Your having a sleepover with your besties. What kind of sleepover do you prefer?

A) Definitely camping. Camping would be the best for everyone. I  mean, who doesn't like camping? There might be a lot of bugs and snakes, but scary stories are going to be scarier and the camp fire is going to be more memorable, don't you think?
B)Just a normal indoor house sleepover would be the best option. It might seem bored, but you can have better conversations and do various types of games with your friends. If you need something, its always there in the house. And if someone is uncomfortable, there is always a solution.-plus you could stay up late better
C) You really would prefer the beach. The beach waves would put you to sleep or in peace, and the view is absolutely beautiful. The sunrises and sunsets would be the most memorable thing ever.
D)Although you would spend the night in your friends house with your friends, you would go everywhere all day. You would prepare for the best sleepover, so you would go to the mall to by cool stuffs and matching outfits with your besties. You could also hide super sweet snacks to eat for the night

3. Your trying to get a part in a play called 'Peter Pan'. What character would you volunteer for?
A) Definitely Peter Pan. Peter is a free-spirited, liberal character who's courageous and brave. Also, he's always positive and fights for whatever he believes in.No wonder he's the main character!
B) I would be Tinkerbell,ofcourse. Tink might have a very mean part in her personality, but there is noone loyal as she is! She left the fairy kingdom to be with Peter, and Tinkerbell always comes back to him and the lost boys even when Peter casts Tink out.
C) I would volunteer for Wendy. Wendy is a calm and wise girl who has a great responsibility of taking care of her brothers and her parents. She cares for everyone, and does her best to balance everything and make everything right.
D) I would go for Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily is the princess of her indian tirbe, so she goes through a lot. But she always keeps her good friendship with Peter. She is also very strong and wise. She's good at giving ad

4. You need a good grade this year, and you're failing at your history exams. You need a new studying strategy. What's your idea?
A) I would find myself a new tutor or visit museums to learn more about history. If books don't work, maybe trips or new teachers can.
B) Sorry, but I don't like to rely on new studying strategies. My former one is fine. Once I get used to it more, I would get my grades up in no time!
C) I would spend more time on history, really. I don't think new books or teachers wouldn't make a lot difference since the real problem is ME.
D) I would make a study group with my friends. It would not only be fun, but also really beneficial. My friends and I can teach eachother and eat good food as we go!

5. Your soccer team is losing in a game, and you want them to know something to cheer them up. They're sitting on the benches, depressed. You walk up to them and say:
A) Guys, we're going to win this game in no time. Don't worry. If we lose, we lose. Don't fret, just chill!
B) As long as we're friends, that trophy wouldn't matter. Cheer up, we have a team to beat up.
C) Team, I just want to say, no matter what happens in this game, I really want to thank you all for being the best team ever.
D)Guys its okay to lose. Everything we've been through- the progress matters more than the results.

-Mostly A s-
Youre a Aquamarine!
Your strong, healthy and courageous. Aquamarine is known as the sailor's precious jewel that gives you good luck. Just like that, your courage lightens up the depressed and cheers up the sorrowful!
-Mostly Bs-
Youre a Garnet!
You stand for the things you believe in . You're self-confident in whatever you do. You are that 1 person that can make the impossible possible. You never EVER give up and you are 100% loyal to your friends.
-Mostly Cs-
You're a Saphire!
Youre wise and calm. You're a perfect advisor and you know what's best. Youre grades a in good stand and a lot of people rely on you and trust you.
-Mostly Ds-
You're a Topaz!
You're friendship is strong and you have a strong heart. You're also very very honest and faitful toward your family. You also teach well because you see the deep parts of one's heart and understand anyone quite well.
For More quizzes, comment down below what jewel YOU are!

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