2015년 12월 10일 목요일

5 easy hairstyles by Alexa Mae

 Holidays are up close and we always go out of ideas for easy hairstyles.
Here are 5 easy Hairstlyes proposed by youtuber Alexa Mae!!

The link for her channel will be at the bottom of the whole post!


super easy, right?


First, make a thin braid

then, make a larger braid including the thin braid.
It would look SO much better than just a simple normal braid

First, tie your hair

 Second, pull out a strand
wrap the strand around your hair band

This is basically my favorite!!
just tie your hair-braid it, and wrap it around your hairband!!
It utterly looks so cute, like a flower or a button, and I think its a great and easy

This hairstyle is TOO easy and TOO cute! I really envy girls with long hair:(Wish I could make my braids this cute!
Check out her other videos?
She is also having a holiday giveaway!
Check out 

 Seven Stage Girls?

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