2015년 12월 5일 토요일

Welcome to Seven Stage Girls

Hello, this is the owner (aka creator) of the first HB collaboration channel on youtube, Seven Stage Girls. My name is Haebin Kim.

 Seven Stage Girls is a youtube collaboration channel that was created to inspire young girls and viewers of all ages that everyone has their own place in this world. We require our seven girls to make videos once a week each, and give them instructions and themes for the project.

 We have two types of themes : Theme week and Talent week.
Although some people say we're imitating the SAKs channels on youtube (aka Seven Awesome Kids, Seven Super Girls etc) we are accurately NOT copying anyone.
Our collaboration name might look very similar to the SAKs channel, but as I have said so already-SAKs channel do not have Talent week.
Talent week is a week for girls to perform their talents on screen confidently, neverminding the haters on the Internet. This activity makes them become more confident and let them know that everyone has their own talent.

Cyber bullying is not even a problem. Me and my vice manager, Keke keeps cyber bullies blocked and away from our girls. We also don't collab with other collaboration channels. Instead, we let our girls make their own HB collab channels, once they get promoted for having good quality videos with enough effort and not missing their uploading day.

Most of the girls also have pen names in case of leaking personal information, and we get out schedule and privacy PRIVATE in all times.
3weeks of absence lets the girls leave the channel, and we give breaks once in a while. Also, girls are NOT allowed to join our channel without a parent/guardian's permission.
We do NOT require our girls to do inappropriate themes and make unnecessary videos. We also do music videos in the holidays.

Girls who are above 7years and below 17 years old, all over the world are able to join or audition.
For business contacts: www.sevenstagegirls@gmail.com
Our main youtube page:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLe66dc08zS0SrHO8Vd7tmQ
our official instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sevenstagegirls/
owner's email: www.haebin51@gmail.com

Best Regards, Haebin Kim

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